Designated Disabled Bays

These can be used for four hours on weekdays.

Around St Bartholomew's Hospital the bays can be used for six hours on weekdays.

Check the bay time plate for information.

No time limit at the weekend.

Map of disabled bays here

Paid parking bays

Blue Badge holders have to pay for some parking time, then can park for an extra hour after that time expires.

Blue Badge holders CANNOT park:

In a suspended bay

On single or double yellow lines

Where there is a loading restriction indicated by yellow chevrons on the kerb stone

On the pavement or footway

In a bus lane

In a bay reserved for specific users (eg a doctor's bay)

Where there is a dropped kerb or raised carriageway

“Red Badge” scheme

The City of London has it own Red Badge scheme for disabled people who live or work there

Red Badge holders can park

At payment parking bays and disabled bays without paying

On a single yellow line for a period of 30 minutes

More here